The personal attention, speed, professionalism and commitment to this project to achieve the best result is amazing. i-spark lives up to its name!

- Sijbe Bonsma, Mood Indicator

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Mood indicator: the extra HR employee who is always ready.

Employees are an organization’s most important asset, but not every organization gives their employees the highest priority. Symptoms such as burnout, high (mental) absenteeism and unwanted turnover are unfortunately far too common, according to Moodindicator. This costs companies a lot of money. Moodindicator aims to help companies reduce these costs by deploying a variety of tools. Measure job happiness within your organization, how satisfied your employees are or both! It also includes a comprehensive and clear employee satisfaction survey (MTO). i-spark has developed special dashboarding for the Moodindicator tool.



Sijbe Bonsma - Owner Moodindicator

i-spark has designed and built several dashboards for Moodindicator's tools. It is very easy for companies to see the results of the "mood indicators" in real time and to immediately anticipate the signals from the organization. The dashboards allow the organizations themselves to work on the issues that will have the most impact for their teams and organization.

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The goal.

The goal of this assignment was to develop clear dashboards in which the results of the Mood Indicator would be visible in real time. Before the dashboard solution, a Moodindicator employee had to work on collecting the data, interpreting it and manually creating all sorts of charts for use in reporting to clients. This took a long time and was less precise due to manual dilation. With these dashboards, we saved Moodindicator a lot of time and delighted clients with real-time insights rather than insight into results after a few weeks.


To develop Moodindicator’s dashboards, we used Data Analysis, Data Engineering and Data Visualization.

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